
43.8% of Russian consumers want to buy Chinese tires

Chinese tires have won favor in the Russian market consumption survey, and their market share has increased significantly

Recently, a professional survey on the consumption situation of the Russian tire market revealed a remarkable market trend: Chinese tires have won significant market share among Russian consumers and won wide recognition among consumers for their excellent performance and cost performance.

According to the survey, up to 43.8% of Russian consumers expressed their willingness to buy Chinese tires, which significantly reflects the popularity of Chinese tires in the Russian market. What is more remarkable is that 11.9% of consumers have bought and used Chinese tires, and their satisfaction with the products is extremely high.

According to statistics, the current share of Chinese tires in the Russian market has occupied 20% to 25%, which indicates that Chinese tires are increasingly competitive in the Russian market. Previously, Chinese tires were questioned for their perceived poor quality and ill-suited to local conditions, but this has fundamentally changed.

Experts pointed out that the quality of Chinese tires has been greatly improved, its performance has been close to well-known European brands, and has a very high cost performance. Even some brands that are not well known in China have been widely praised by consumers in the Russian market. In addition, the wide variety of Chinese tire products can meet the needs of different market segments, further enhancing its competitiveness in the Russian market.

The analysis believes that the selling of Chinese cars in Russia has provided a strong support for the selling of Chinese tires. As Chinese cars continue to expand their share in the Russian market, more and more Russian consumers are beginning to pay attention to and buy Chinese tires. In addition, the price advantage of Chinese tires compared to European tires is also one of the reasons for its popularity. The price of Chinese tires is usually only about half that of European tires, allowing Russian consumers to enjoy quality tire products at a more affordable price.

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